Landlord Insurance policies are for property owners who rent their properties to tenants. It covers the building from risks such as fire, break-in, storm, flooding, subsidence, water or oil leaks and can include cover for the landlords possessions in a furnished property.
A landlord policy also covers the business aspect of being a landlord with cover for loss of rent or alternative accommodation for tenants if the building is uninhabitable.
A landlord insurance policy can also include cover for landlords liability as well as public liability cover.
Landlords are legally obliged to insure the structure of rental properties in Ireland, unless the quote is unrealistic or the landlord cannot obtain a quote. Buildings insurance will usually be a requirement when obtaining a buy to let mortgage to purchase an investment property.
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Who offers landlord insurance in Ireland?

What is covered by landlord insurance?
Landlord insurance will cover the building from damage due to risks such as:
Water / Oil Leaks
Break Ins
Repair & Rebuilding
Landlord insurance covers the physical structure of the building, as well as permanent fixtures such as fitted kitchens and sanitary ware in the bathroom.
Insurance for landlords offers financial protection for Fire Brigade services, as well as for changing locks when keys have been stolen as part of a break in.
Landlords cover will cover property in outbuildings and sheds up to a maximum value as well as outdoor fixtures such as walls, fence, gates etc.
Similar to home insurance, many landlords policies cover a 24hr emergency service that will secure the property from further damage and make the property secure following an incident covered by the policy eg. a break in.
Landlords can cover a rental property under standard buildings and/ or contents insurance but they will not be covered for the business aspects of renting a property.
Although apartments may have buildings cover as part of the annual maintenance fee, this may not cover a landlords contents or fixture and fittings.
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How is landlords insurance different to home insurance?
Landlord insurance is broadly similar to standard home building insurance in that it will cover the building from damage due to risks such as fire, flood, subsidence, water/ oil leaks, break ins and provides comprehensive cover for repair and rebuilding of the building.
Landlord policies provide cover for landlord’s liability, loss of rent and/ or rehousing tenants if the investment property is uninhabitable.
Whereas all home insurance policies cover personal liability in varying amounts, landlords liability cover specifically protects landlords from claims for death or injury to tenants and visitors to the rented property, and the legal fees associated with these claims.
Landlords insurance does not usually cover the landlord or their family in the way that owner occupiers and their family would be covered in a home insurance policy.
Landlords Insurance does not cover tenants’ household goods or contents other than furniture and electrical appliances. This contents cover is not standard and needs to be arranged at the time of arranging landlords insurance.
Landlords insurance covers for loss of rent or for the costs of accommodating tenants should the property be uninhabitable due to an insured risk eg. fire or a leak.
This is typically limited to 15% of the total buildings and contents cover amount specified in the policy.

What add-ons are available for a landlord insurance policy?
AXA is the only insurer to specify that they cover landlord legal costs to recover possession of the property in the event that a tenant does not pay rent or is in breach of their lease agreement (up to €1000).
Many landlords policies will cover short periods of the property being unoccupied, however, these typically cover standard long- term lease arrangements. Cover for shorter term tenancies eg. AirBnB may not be covered under these policies,
Allianz offers cover for a variety of tenancy types as well as for a standard long term tenancy, by arrangement.
Liberty Insurance specifically offers new for old cover for landlord’s contents eg. flooring rather than offering cover on a declining basis as many insurers do. Liberty also offers custom cover policies when you contact them directly.
An Post offers a policy specifically to landlords of apartments, covering risks not included in the buildings insurance covered by management fees.
How to compare landlord insurance?
Premiums will vary according to the type of building insured, contents sum insured, the area it is situated in and the features of the policies quoted.
Some policies will have an excess which may bring down the price of the premium but you will pay the amount of the excess each time you claim.
The amount of liability cover can vary from policy to policy with differences of up to 500,000 between policies.
Optional extras such as accidental damage cover, legal cover or unoccupied insurance can affect the premium offered.
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How to get cheaper landlord insurance?
Many insurers offer discounts for arranging cover online and also for bundling car and home insurance or for covering multiple investment properties.
Insurers also offer varying no claims discounts as well as various amounts that can be claimed without affecting your no claims discount. FBD offer a 20% discount for properties that have a BER rating above B3. AXA offer a discount of 5% for customers who are over 50.
Keeping the building well maintained will make it less likely that you need to claim on a policy. Also, improving security such as locks and burglar alarms as well as installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will reduce the premium.
Keeping landlords’ contents sum insured to a minimum will also reduce the price of a policy.
Although reducing the sums insured can bring the premium price down to avoid unnecessary cover, underinsurance can also mean that the landlord will be left with a hefty bill should a risk occur.
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