Plan Costs

Plan cost: €806.70 per year

Cost per additional child: €251.30 per year

Cost per additional young adult:

Age Cost
Age 18-20 €403.30
Age 21 €443.70
Age 22 €524.40
Age 23 €605.00
Age 24 €685.70
Age 25 €766.40

Hospital Cover (In-patient benefits)

What’s covered: 

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✅ A Multi-Occupancy or Semi-Private room in a Public Hospital and Day Case (Covered in select public hospitals. Please contact your insurer for details)
✅ Public Hospital Private Room and Day Case (Covered in select public hospitals. Please contact your insurer for details)
✅ Convalescence (€26 x 14 days)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Private Hospital Private and Semi-Private Room
❌ The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital, certain Cardiac Procedures, certain Special Procedures and procedures other than Cardiac and Special
❌ Day Case Private Hospitals
❌ Day Case The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital
❌ Cancer Accommodation Support

Overseas Cover

What’s covered:

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✅ Benefit Abroad For Surgical Procedures Available and Not Available In Ireland
✅ Hospital Bill (Covered up to €100,000)
✅ Repatriation Expenses (Covered up to €1 million)
✅ 24 Hour Telephone Assistance
✅ Expenses For Companion (Companion expenses (to remain with you or travel to you from Ireland or escort you) €1,000)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Companion Repatriation Expenses
❌ Gender Affirmation

Maternity Cover

What’s covered:

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✅ Hospital Costs Up To 3 Nights (€385)
✅ Home Births (Covered up to €4,000 – available as part of the Enhanced Maternity personalised package)
✅ Delivery Consultant Fees (On day of delivery obstetrician covered with a shortfall of €175 and anaesthetist covered with a shortfall of €125)
✅ Outpatient Maternity Consultant Care (Pre/Post natal medical expenses Covered up to €300 – available as part of the Enhanced Maternity personalised package0
✅ Postnatal Home Help (2 x 3 hour cleaning sessions – available as part of the Enhanced Maternity personalised package)
✅ Postnatal Home Nursing (Postnatal Doula Support – 1 x 3 hour session with postnatal supporter – available as part of the Enhanced Maternity personalised package)
✅ Pre & Postnatal Care (GentleBirth app subscription (Learn More), Antenatal class €50 contribution, 3D/4D Scans €25 contribution – available as part of Enhanced Maternity Personalised Package)
✅ Child Healthcare Benefit (Paediatrician visits €100 x 1 visit, Baby swimming classes 20% up to €50 per policy year with our provider partner, Child nutritionist €25 x 3 visits, First aid course for mums and dads 10% point of sale discount plus €90 contribution with our provider partner, Parenting Course €50 contribution to 1 course – available as part of Family And Kids Health Personalised Package)
✅ Parent Accompanying Child (Parent accompanying child (no minimum stay) €25 x 3 days – available as part of Family And Kids Health Personalised
✅ Partner Benefit (€40 per birth – available as part of Enhanced Maternity Personalised Package0
✅ Breastfeeding Consultancy (€25 x 2 visits – available as part of Enhanced Maternity Personalised Package)
✅ Other Maternity Benefits (Pre/Post Natal Yoga & Pilates €20 x 2 visits, Baby massage course €40 for course of 4 classes, Welcome Home Food Hamper and 30 minute phone consultation – available as part of the Enhanced Maternity Personalised Package; First Aid course for Mums and Dads 10% point of sale discount plus €90 contribution with our provider partner available as part of the Family and Kid’s Health Personalised Package)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Child Home Nursing

Outpatient Benefits

What’s covered:

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✅ Individual Excess (€125)
✅ Family Excess (€125 per person)
✅ Consultant Fees (€40 per visit; International Second Opinion Service)
✅ GP Visits (GP Visits €15 x 4 visits; Female Health Consultation – 50% cover x 4 consultations per year with our provider partner; Digital
Doctor Service (Learn More) – unlimited; Nurse on call covered )
✅ Physiotherapist (Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist €25 x 3 visits – available as part of Sports Cover personalised package or the Complementary Therapy personalised package)
✅ Emergency Dental Care (€350 contribution – available as part of Dental And Optical personalised package)
✅ Home Nursing (Health In The Home covered, immediately following an inpatient stay; Care connect (Learn More))
✅ A&E Charge (Public A&E Cover– €60 x 1 visit; Minor Injury Clinic Cover of 50% up to €100 per visit (Direct Settlement) and 50% up to €100 per visit (Pay & Claim); Medical ambulance costs – Covered (refer to Membership Handbook); Out-patient A&E abroad 50% up to €1,000 – available as part of the International Health and Travel personalised package)
✅ Alternative Medicines-Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Osteopath (Acupuncturist €25 x 3 visits, Chiropractor €25 x 3 visits, Osteopath €25 x 3 visits all available as part of the Complementary Therapy personalised package)
✅ Dietician, Occupational Therapist, Chiropodist, Speech Therapist (Nutritionist or Dietician €25 x 3 visits available as part of the Complementary Therapy personalised package or as part of the Women’s and Men’s Health personalised package)
✅ Cancer Support Benefit (Cover for Breast Prosthesis 50% up to €1,000; Cover for wig following cancer treatment 50% up to €1,000)
✅ Optical (Designer prescription glasses €30 off the €149+ range with Opticalrooms, Contact lenses 10% online discount with provider
partner – available as part of the Dental and Optical personalised package)
✅ Prescription Costs (Prescriptions abroad €15 x 1 prescription – available as part of the International Health and Travel personalised package)
✅ Employee Assistance Programme (Healthy Minds benefit (Learn More) – up to 6 counselling sessions via phone, chat, video or face to face)
✅ Child Speech And Language Therapy (Child speech & language therapy €25 x 3 visits – available as part of the Family And Kids Health Personalised Package)
✅ Vaccinations (Meningitis B / Chicken Pox Vaccines €50 contribution per course of treatment – available as part of the Family Protection Personalised Package; Travel Vaccination €50 contribution with our provider partner plus 10% point of sale discount, Travel Vaccine Consultation €30 contribution with our provider partner – available as part of the International Health And Travel personalised package; Flu vaccine Covered up to €25 per policy year – available as part of the Women’s And Men’s Health personalised package, Family And Kids Health personalised package and the Family Protection personalised package)
✅ Outpatient Policy Limit (€2,500)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Non Emergency Dental
❌ Other Day To Day Practitioners
❌ Psycho-Oncology Counselling
❌ Manual Lymph Drainage
❌ Hearing Test
❌ Hormone Replacement Therapy for Gender Dysphoria

Outpatient Radiology

What’s covered:

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✅ Approved Centres (MRI, CT and PET-CT covered)
✅ Radiology Consultants’ Fees (€25 per consultant fee)
✅ Radiology Test Fees (€20 per test)
✅ Health Screening (Pathology: Cost of test €20 per test, Pathology: Consultant fees €25 per consultant fee subject to excess; Oncotype DX covered; SADS Screening €50 contribution, VO2 Max Testing €10 point of sale discount plus €20 contribution, Health screen €50 x 1 per policy year – available as part of Sports Cover Personalised Package and Women’s and Men’s Health personalised package)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Non-Approved Centres

Fertility Benefits

What’s covered:

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✅ Infertility Benefit (AMH Fertility test €50 contribution, His & Hers Fertility Screening Tests €40 contribution – available as part of Enhanced
Maternity Personalised Package)
✅ Fertility Support Services (Maternity Mental Health Support €40 x 8 sessions with Nurture – available as part of Enhanced Maternity Personalised Package; Nutritionist or Dietician €25 x 3 visits, Acupuncturist €25 x 3 visits both available as part of the Women’s and Men’s Health personalised package)

What’s not covered: 

(leave blank)
❌ Fertility Preservation