HSF was established in 1879 to allow working men to contribute each payday in order to receive care in the voluntary hospitals if the needed it. HSF first offered their health plans in Ireland in 1949.
HSP offers:

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HSF Plans
HSF offers cash reimbursement on a range of medical expenses with individual, family, and corporate plans available.
Their individual plans, One Scheme Direct, offers four levels of cash benefit with monthly prices reflecting the amounts allowable under the plan. Cash benefits are available for the following expenses:
Their family plans are available as Primary schemes which reimburse 50% of the allowable expenses or Extra cover plans which allow 100% reimbursement of health expenses. The maximum allowable amounts of reimbursement vary, depending on the level of plan you choose.
Reimbursement is available for the same expenses as individual plans, except for an additional expense on the family plans:
HSF Corporate plans
HSF corporate plans can be purchased by employers. They can be provided by the employer or offered to employees to pay for themselves as a benefit of employment.

HSF Assist
Access to HSF Assist is included in all plans and provides:
The facility is available to all member plan subscribers.
Health cash plan v. private health insurance
It is important to note that HSF is not a health insurance policy and does not offer cover for private treatment in a hospital or for inpatient hospital accommodation or treatment. The hospital benefit is a cash amount that is paid to you following a stay in hospital.
Health cash plans can be purchased as a more affordable or budget alternative to an inpatient health insurance plan where you are happy to avail of public inpatient hospital care.
Health cash plans can also be purchased in addition to or as a compliment to private inpatient health insurance, to provide additional financial protection for health related expenses.
Health cash plans do provide continuous cover in terms of health insurance waiting periods, so if you hold a HSF health cash plan for a number of years, and you subsequently purchase private health insurance, your time as a HSF member will be counted in your initial waiting period.

Talk to us today!
Our qualified advisers can discuss health cash plans and your health insurance needs with you and answer your queries.
Contact us today if you are considering purchasing a health cash plan or purchasing, switching, or upgrading your health insurance. We can discuss you options with you and find you affordable health cover for your needs.