Plan Costs

Plan cost: €1129.48 per year

Cost per additional child: €237.48 per year

Cost per additional young adult:

Age Cost
Age 18-20 €400.24
Age 21 €542.47
Age 22 €648.83
Age 23 €755.18
Age 24 €876.92
Age 25 €1009.87

Hospital Cover (In-patient benefits)

What’s covered: 

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✅ A Multi-Occupancy or Semi-Private room in a Public Hospital and Day Case
✅ Public Hospital Private Room and Day Case
✅ Private Hospital Semi-Private Room (Covered with an excess of €350; 60% cover for specifed orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures)
✅ Private Hospital Private Room (Covered to semi-private rate with an excess of €350 per claim; 60% semi private rate cover for certain orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures)
✅ The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital, certain Special Procedures (Full Cover in the Beacon Hospital with an excess of €350 per claim; 60% cover for certain orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures; No cover in the Blackrock Clinic or Mater Private)
✅ The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital procedures other than Cardiac and Special (Full Cover in the Beacon Hospital with an excess of €350 per claim; 60% cover for certain orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures; No cover in the Blackrock Clinic or Mater Private)
✅ Day Case Private Hospitals (Covered with an excess of €175 per claim; 60% cover for specifed orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures)
✅ Day Case The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital (Covered in the Beacon Hospital with an excess of €175 per claim; 60% cover for certain orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures; No cover in the Blackrock Clinic or Mater Private)
✅ Convalescence (€40 x 14 nights in semi private and private room accommodation)
✅ Cancer Accommodation Support (Cancer Care support – Accommodation, travel and parking, €100 per treatment)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ The Blackrock Clinic, the Mater Private and the Beacon Hospital, certain Cardiac Procedures

Overseas Cover

What’s covered:

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✅ Benefit Abroad For Surgical Procedures Available In Ireland (€100,000 per calendar year)
✅ Benefit Abroad For Surgical Procedures Not Available In Ireland (€100,000 per calendar year)
✅ Hospital Bill (€100,000 per calendar year)
✅ Repatriation Expenses
✅ Companion Repatriation Expenses (€1,000)
✅ 24 Hour Telephone Assistance (Covered)
✅ Expenses For Companion (€1,000)
✅ Gender Affirmation (Cover for medically necessary surgeries subject to pre-approval up to the level of cover on the plan)

Maternity Cover

What’s covered:

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✅ Hospital Costs Up To 3 Nights
✅ Home Births (€2,500)
✅ Delivery Consultant Fees (Covered up to agreed charges incurred on day of delivery for participating consultants)
✅ Outpatient Maternity Consultant Care (See pre/ post natal)
✅ Postnatal Home Nursing (€600 following 1 nights stay; €300 following 2 nights stay)
✅ Child Home Nursing (€100 x 28 days per calendar year – (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Pre & Postnatal Care (€250 – (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Child Healthcare Benefit (Paediatrician €60 x 1 visit in year of birth)
✅ Parent Accompanying Child (€100 X 14 days following a stay in excess of 3 days in hospital)
✅ Breastfeeding Consultancy (Covered in Maternity and Baby Bundle)
✅ Other Maternity Benefits (Maternity and Baby Bundle – Maternity Yoga and Pilates classes, One Maternity scan, Breast feeding consultations, Baby Massage classes, Baby Swim classes, and Antenatal course – 75% covered up to a maximum of €500; Additional Maternity & Baby Benefits – Foetal Screening €100; New parents food pack Full cover; Paediatric frst aid course €60)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Postnatal Home Help
❌ Partner Benefit

Outpatient Benefits

What’s covered:

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✅ Individual Excess (€100)
✅ Family Excess (€100 per member)
✅ Consultant Fees (€60 per visit (subject to an excess of €100 per year) – No annual maximum; Consultant and Specialist led care in a Vhi 360 Health Centre / Vhi Swiftcare Clinic – Unlimited visits fully covered subject to an excess of €75 per visit (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ GP Visits (Vhi Online Doctor – Full cover x 6 visits)
✅ Home Nursing (Vhi Hospital@Home – Full cover)
✅ A&E Charge (€75 X 1 visit; Vhi Core Service; Urgent Care – Unlimited visits fully covered in a Vhi 360 Health Centre/Vhi Swiftcare Clinic subject to an excess of €75 per visit (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Alternative Medicines-Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Osteopath (Acupuncture €25 x 6 visits combined with Dietitian benefit below (no annual excess, no annual maximum)
✅ Dietician, Occupational Therapist, Chiropodist, Speech Therapist (Dietitian €25 x 6 visits combined with Acupuncture benefit above (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Other Day To Day Practitioners ( Available through the Vhi App (Learn More): Vhi Online Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Dietitian – 12 combined visits (no annual excess, no annual maximum) Vhi 360 Health Centre: Vhi Core Services – Paediatric Clinic, 360 Health Clinics – Unlimited visits fully covered subject to an excess of €75 per visit; Personalised follow-up package providing access to a Multidisciplinary Team of Health and Wellness professionals – 4 visits fully covered following a referral from a Vhi Core Service; Primary care practitioners – Unlimited visits fully covered subject to an excess of €25 per visit; Diagnostics following GP referral – fully covered subject to an excess of €75 per visit (no annual excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Cancer Support Benefit (Wig/hairpiece, sleeping cap, mastectomy bra, swimsuit, surgical prosthesis – Full cover, (no excess, but subject to the maximum for medical and surgical appliances of €1,000); Medical tattooing (Eyebrow and Areola) – €60 per year)
✅ Psycho-Oncology Counselling (See Psychologist / Counsellor / Psychotherapist benefit)
✅ Manual Lymph Drainage (€50 x 10 visits)
✅ Vaccinations (Vaccinations for Meningitis B and Chicken Pox – up to two inoculations for each per lifetime – €60 per inoculation (No annual
excess, no annual maximum))
✅ Outpatient Policy Limit (No Outpatient policy limit)

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Physiotherapist
❌ Emergency Dental Care
❌ Non Emergency Dental
❌ Hearing Test
❌ Optical
❌ Prescription Costs
❌ Employee Assistance Programme
❌ Child Speech And Language Therapy
❌ Hormone Replacement Therapy for Gender Dysphoria

Outpatient Radiology

What’s covered:

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✅ Approved Centres (CT – Full cover; PET-CT – Full cover; MRI – Full cover, no excess for category 1, €125 excess for category 2, see rules)
✅ Radiology Consultants’ Fees (€60 per procedure (subject to an excess of €100) – No annual maximum)
✅ Radiology Test Fees (€40 per procedure (subject to an excess of €100) – No annual maximum)
✅ Health Screening (Vhi Core Service ‘HealthCheck@Home’ Health Screening fully covered in each 24 month period subject to a €75 excess; Full cover for genetic testing for certain genetic mutations in an approved clinic and €125 cover for initial consultation. Follow on preventative treatment covered up to the level of cover provided in the Inpatient section; STI screening – €50 per year; Mammograms – Full cover, one scan per renewal year; Dexa scan – 50% cover, one scan per renewal year; Onco type DX profiling – Full cover (No annual excess, no annual maximum))

What’s not covered: 

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❌ Non-Approved Centres

Fertility Benefits

What’s covered:

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✅ Infertility Benefit (€100 benefit for initial consultation once per lifetime; €100 benefit for fertility tests once per lifetime; IUI – 50% up to €1,000 per treatment, 2 per lifetime ;IVF or ICSI – 50% up to €1,000 per treatment, 2 per lifetime; Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) – €500 per lifetime; Frozen Embryo Transfer – 50% up to €500, 2 per lifetime)
✅ Fertility Preservation (Egg freezing – €1,000 per lifetime
Sperm freezing – €125 per lifetime)
✅ Fertility Support Services (Fertility counselling – €50 x 5 sessions)